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Comics VS World

I would like to share my point of view about the comics in my world, not a full reader of them but I actually like them and enjoy... I'll would not only be writting about comics, also I'll try some reviews from animes, mangas, some books and tv series...

Publicado desde Overblog

I don’t understand why the hell people began to prefer quantity to quality in food, it is as if it didn’t matter that we were eating, just only the feeling of being surfeited.

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Chicken Mushroom Takikomi Gohan Recipe

How to Make Chicken Mushroom Takikomi Gohan 鶏ときのこの炊き込みご飯の作り方 字幕表示可 材料(日本語)↓ If you enjoy using Japanese products, check out Rakuten Global Market at http://g…

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Sueños de luna, sueños de Inmortalidad

Juegos de noche, juegos de niños Ilusiones vacías que han perdido el camino Renacerán cual fénix de sus cenizas Exaltaran la imaginación de cualquier ser humano Y llenaran un corazón, con el más puro amor Esas palabras sueltas, formaran un verso ajeno...

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Acerca del blog

I would like to share my point of view about the comics in my world, not a full reader of them but I actually like them and enjoy... I'll would not only be writting about comics, also I'll try some reviews from animes, mangas, some books and tv series...